Choose You This Day

Joshua uttered these words as Israel was about to inhabit the land God had promised to their forefathers. The choice was before them: remain loyal to their covenant with Yahweh or conform to the nations around them and worship their gods. As believers in Jesus more than 3,000 years later, we’re not preparing to inhabit foreign territories, but we are still faced with the choice of whom we will serve. We’ve lost sight of what Yahweh is really like and what he wants to accomplish. At the same time, our modern culture embraces ideas and practices that actually look very much like those that were associated with the gods of the nations in Israel’s day. Choose You This Day is designed to help map out the figurative “Jordan River” — the difference between an abundant life in covenant with God in his fruitful land and life in the wilderness where he does not dwell. We’ll develop a carefully constructed biblical worldview as we explore God’s heart toward humanity, why the world is the way it is (and where it’s headed), and ultimately, what God wants from his people.
* This series was taught at The Chapel in Akron, OH, from September 2021 to May 2022.

All the notes for this course have been printed in a book that you may choose to purchase or download at the links below.

Part 1: Foundations

Lesson 1: Introduction

Lesson 2: The Promise

Lesson 3: The Dwelling

Lesson 4: The Drama

Lesson 5: The Word

Lesson 6: The Tools

Part 2: Opposition

Lesson 7: The Second Rebellion

Lesson 8: The Third Rebellion

Lesson 9: God’s Inheritance

Lesson 10: Satan

Lesson 11: Our Spiritual Battle

Lesson 12: Question and Response